First Parthica operation: humanitarian law lessons in peshmerga training

(To Greater Defense)

At the Bnslawa training base in Erbil, as part of the training that Italy leads in favor of Kurdish security forces (KSF), the legal advisor of the Italian contingent in Iraq held a lecture on International Humanitarian Law and Armed Conflict Law.

During the lesson topics were discussed concerning legitimate fighters and war criminals, as well as the uses of war, the obligations and prohibitions that every legitimate fighter must respect.

There were also some training activities peshmerga who have already fought against Da'esh, therefore the lessons have been a place of significant moments of growth and confrontation regarding the need to respect the rules of Humanitarian Law in the face of those who make non-compliance their strong point.

Humanitarian Law began as such starting from the nineteenth century, but its principles are found in the sacred writings of all religions, constituting, in fact, a set of rules that no one can escape and in violation of which we are guilty of serious crimes of war. Faced with such crimes that Da'esh perpetrates daily, the respect of the rules of Humanitarian Law is strongly felt by the KSF sector, above all by those peshmerga who, by the terrorists of the Islamic State, have lost their families.

Italy with its 950 men and women is currently the second largest contributor to the coalition led by the United States of America in the fight against Da'esh and with Army trainers and the Carabinieri has already trained in Iraqi Kurdistan and in Baghdad over 13 thousand men and women.