Nave Doria provides medical assistance to a fishing boat in the southern Mediterranean

(To Marina Militare)

From 28 June 2016 ship Doria participate in the operation Safe Sea. The mission serves to ensure the protection of national interests, through the surveillance and protection of the maritime environment. The tasks assigned also include the protection of Italian fishing boats. In these days a health intervention was necessary for a fisherman.

During the patrol, on July XNUMX, ship Doria he received a request for medical assistance from an Italian fishing vessel operating nearby. A fisherman suffered from abdominal pain and breathing difficulties.

The medical team of the Doria he went aboard and after a first check the patient was transferred to the fighter to be treated in the ship's infirmary.

The ship's health component includes a doctor and two nurses. The infirmary on board is able to carry out first aid and basic care; for more serious operations, the SH90 helicopter embarked can be used to transport the patient to the nearest hospital or on board a ship with greater capacity.

A few hours later, when the patient's condition returned to stable, the fisherman was taken back to the fishing boat.