Lebanon: Gen. Portolano meets the highest political authorities in Beirut


Division General Luciano Portolano, head of the mission and commander of the UNIFIL Forces in southern Lebanon, met yesterday in Beirut, the prime minister, Tammam Salam (photo opening), and the president of the parliament, Nabih Berri.

A series of meetings marked by the utmost cordiality and concreteness during which not only the main issues dictated by the situation of the country and the region were addressed, but also focused on the need to continue the joint effort to consolidate the stabilization process in Lebanon of the South and in the search for solutions to the various problems between the parties in full respect and in the sense indicated by the UN Security Council 1701 resolution.

There has been no lack of references to the most recent episodes of violation of the Blue Line, such as that of the past few days in the area of ​​Sheeba, a crossroads between Syria, Lebanon and Israel, with regard to which General Portolano recalled that without prejudice to the impossibility for UNIFIL of governing the issue of the status of Sheeba farms, the effort was to avoid a dangerous escalation of the situation also through bilateral meetings and the ongoing dialogue with the parties that continue to be primarily responsible for respecting the Blue Line and for violating it associated.

"The long period of stability that South Lebanon is experiencing - said the general - is above all the result of the joint efforts of the Lebanese Armed Forces and UNIFIL which aim at the definitive stabilization and normalization of Southern Lebanon and more generally of the whole Country. UNIFIL must be considered the fundamental instrument of connection and interrelation in order to avoid misunderstandings and resolve disputes that can raise the tension and undermine the stability of the area and therefore the entire peace process ".

The prime minister and the president of parliament (photo below), in underlining the excellent state of relations between the political authorities and the UNIFIL mission, had words of great appreciation for the work done by the blue helmets, under the command of General Portolano , whose presence testifies to the commitment of the international community to promote the peaceful composition of the old critical issues in this delicate geographical area.

Source: UNIFIL - PIO magg. Paolo Lafiosca