Lebanon: Italian blue helmets participate in the "Angel Rescue"

(To Greater Defense)

Today in the afternoon the UNIFIL Sector West Italian blue helmets took part in the emergency medical evacuation exercise (CASEVAC) "Angel Rescue III - 2015".

The training activity simulates a serious operational medical emergency, and is aimed at maintaining the operational efficiency of the contingents that make up the United Nations mission in all its components: operational, logistic, support, command and control.

The scenario envisaged for training is the explosion of a makeshift device in the operations area, with consequent activation of alarm procedures, intervention for securing the area, and evacuation of personnel hit by helicopter.

For the Italian contingent, under the leadership of General Salvatore Cuoci, the assets of the "ITALBATT" Maneuvering Task Force on the Genoa cavalry base (4th) of Palmanova (UD), of the Sector Reserve unit (Sector Mobile Reserve - SMR) on the Piedmont cavalry base (2nd) of Villa Opicina (TS), a team for the search and detection of explosives (IEDD), and canine units included in the Combat Support Battalion based on the Friuli Command and Tactical Support Department of Bologna .