Lebanon: Italian blue helmets confirm the standards required by the United Nations


Within the sphere of the inspection activities, cyclically programmed by the UN towards the national contingents participating in the UNIFIL mission, the Operational Readiness Inspection (ORI) constitutes the most complex verification activity concerning the standards that all units must guarantee in terms of operational, logistical and infrastructural capabilities, in compliance with the directives and regulations in force within the UNIFIL mission.

The inspection team, composed of civilian and military technicians of various nationalities who inspected the totality of vehicles, materials and equipment assisted by the UN Reimbursement Unit of the Administrative Administration Center, was able to ascertain the very high level of efficiency of the multiple assets that the Italian Contingent uses in the Lebanese Operative Theater, for the performance of its tasks.

In this context, the West Sector of UNIFIL, headed by the "Pozzuolo del Friuli" cavalry brigade, demonstrated high standards of excellence in operational and logistic capabilities. The multinational team that conducted the verification wanted to emphasize the importance of maintaining high levels of efficiency, indispensable for the correct performance of the tasks assigned by the United Nations 1701 Resolution.

As part of the UNIFIL West Sector, under the orders of gen. b. Ugo Cillo, operates the ITALBATT maneuvering Task Force, based on the “Genova Cavalleria” (4 °) regiment, the combat service support battallion based on the "Pozzuolo del Friuli" logistic regiment and the combat support battallion on a base command department and tactical supports "Pozzuolo del Friuli" and 3 ° regimental genius regiment of Udine.