Lebanon: series of meetings with the students of Alma As Sha'b

(To Greater Defense)

La Joint Task Force Sector West of UNIFIL, organized on a parachute brigade basis thunderbolt, has recently held a series of meetings with the young students of the schools of Alma As Sha'b.

In particular, the health figures, doctors and psychologists met the students, offering them a space for reflection and discussion on important issues related to personal development and growth.

The psychologist officer of the contingent involved the young people, by listening to an audio book, as a premise to the discussion on emotions and management strategies also aimed at strengthening resilience, essential for the development and growth of the boys as it helps in correct management of the daily events that life offers us.

The commander of the West Sector and of the Italian contingent, Brigadier General Roberto Vergori, underlined how important it is to dedicate resources and energy to intercept opportunities for the younger generations, in every field, to allow individual and collective growth. "We must not give up in the face of hardships, we must get up in the face of life's difficulties to build a better future with dialogue and altruism, so that no one is left behind".

The activities carried out in Operating Theater are conducted under the coordination and according to the directives given by the Joint Operational Command (COVI), which is the high command of Defense, responsible for planning, coordinating and directing military operations, joint national and multinational exercises and activities at connected to them.