Lebanon: Italian Blue Helmets carry out projects in favor of two schools in the south

(To Greater Defense)

In South Lebanon, area of ​​responsibility of the Italian blue helmets, projects have been carried out in favor of the schools of Burj Shamali and Majda Zun thanks to the humanitarian initiative of the Dapoto family who wanted to remember, in this way, their own child - first major corporal in the regiment Nice Cavalry - tragically died a few days before leaving for the mission in the land of the cedars.

The family has launched the idea of ​​a fundraiser to honor the memory of first major corporal Antonio Dapoto through a solidarity contest that was immediately collected by the many friends and fellow citizens who also joined the Italian contingent. Thanks to the 16.000 euro collected in a few weeks, a chemistry laboratory was set up at the Burj Shamali secondary school and a multimedia room was set up at the Majda Zun public school.

During the award ceremony, local authorities and school students paid tribute to Antonio and his family for their gesture.