Lebanon: the Italian contingent delivers hospital materials offered by donors from Novara to the Red Cross of Tire


ITALBATT, the maneuvering unit of the Italian contingent of UNIFIL, currently based on the “Nizza Cavalleria” Regiment (1 ') of Bellinzago Novarese, has finalized the donation of hospital and medical materials to the Red Cross of Tire.

The material delivered, including 14 hospital beds complete with fireproof mattresses and pillows, 1 stairlift for the disabled, 5 wheelchairs, 1 multifunctional high chair for the disabled and numerous boxes of disposable medical supplies, will be used by the Red Cross for both the normal activities of the hospital and for the subsequent distribution to the homes of chronically ill patients followed by the voluntary organization.

"The donation was made possible thanks to the solidarity and collaboration shown by the “Maggiore della Carità” Hospital, by the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of San Giorgio, by the National Alpine Association - Sec. of Novara and the Oleggio Red Cross, very important organizations for the Novara area that wanted to actively support the initiatives promoted for Lebanon by Nice“- recalled Colonel Massimiliano Quarto, commander of Italbatt, during the delivery.

Support to the local population is one of the three pillars of the UN 1701 Resolution as well as the control of cessation of hostilities in the southern area and cooperation with the Lebanese armed forces; fundamental tasks that the Italian contingent, led by the Alpine Brigade Taurinense, carries out with commitment, professionalism and close collaboration with the Lebanese community.