Latvia: change in command of the Baltic Task Group

(To Greater Defense)

The ceremony for the transfer of responsibilities at the helm of the Task Group took place the day before yesterday Baltic for Italian personnel deployed as part of the NATO mission enhanced Forward Presence “Latvia”.

The Bersaglieri of the "Ariete" armored brigade, led by Lieutenant Colonel Gerardo Secco, handed over the deliveries to their colleagues from the "Garibaldi" Bersaglieri Brigade and to the incoming commander, Lieutenant Colonel Pasquale Lanni.

The turnover ceremony was presided over by the commander of the Joint Force Headquarters, brigadier general Giuseppe Faraglia and by the military attaché for the three Baltic countries, colonel Giovanni Trebisonda.

Present was a delegation from the Italian embassy in Riga, a large representation of soldiers from allied countries and numerous civil and military authorities from NATO and the host country.

The commander of the Joint Force Headquarters addressed words of appreciation and gratitude for the contribution that the Italian soldiers are providing in this delicate mission.

“The presence of Italian troops at Camp Adazi represents a clear military signal to our NATO Allies”, said Brigadier General Faraglia, highlighting “the importance of the Atlantic Alliance for these territories as a cornerstone of justice and respect for international law, a very specific message to all those who would like to destabilize their borders”.

The personnel who will be part of the Italian contingent of the “Garibaldi”, from the 1th tank regiment, from the 8th command and tactical support department, from the 19st sapper engineer regiment of Caserta, from the 4st anti-aircraft artillery regiment “Ravenna”, from the 4th CBRN defense regiment “Cremona”, from the Serenissima lagoon regiment, from the 21th transmission regiment.

The activities of the Italian contingent deployed in Latvia as part of NATO's eFP initiative are directed and coordinated by the joint-force operational command, the high command of the defence whose main mission is to plan and direct all joint-force operations and exercises and multinationals conducted in the five domains: land, sea, sky, space and cyber.