Iraqi Kurdistan: Italian instructors complete the training of 1100 Kurdish soldiers

(To Greater Defense)

The closing ceremony of the 2 ° MBC (Modern Brigade Course) was held at the Bnaslawa training center in favor of 2 battalions of the 1 ° and 2 ° brigade peshmerga, of which 250 units entrusted to trainers Italians employed in the "Prima Parthica" operation operating in Iraqi Kurdistan since the beginning of 2015.

Italian trainers, in collaboration with i trainers of the coalition, coordinated by the KTCC (Kurdistan Training Coordination Center), concluded an intensive 8 weeks training course in favor of 1100 soldiers peshmerga. The Kurdish soldiers have increased and perfected the knowledge acquired in various sectors, including the counter-IED (recognition and disarming improvised explosive devices), sniping through precision shooters, use of artillery in support of infantry maneuvering.

In the days leading up to the course closing ceremony, in the training area of ​​Tiger Valley south of Erbil, the end-of-course exercise was held by the Kurdish battalions, involving all the trained components. Infantry companies and artillery sections peshmerga, made up of Italian specialist organizations, they demonstrated new techniques and tactics learned by planning and completing the simulation of an offensive operation against an enemy target, using artillery fire. 

The exercise gave tangible proof of the level of coordination achieved between the artillery component, the infantry component and the expert shooter teams.

The KTCC, currently under Italian leadership, coordinates the activities of the trainers of the 7 nations that are part of it and with this course has reached over 9000 trained KSF soldiers, of which about 5300 only by the trainers Italians framed in the “Prima Parthica” operation.