Kosovo: the commitment of the Italian contingent in favor of local organizations

(To Greater Defense)

The Italian contingent of the Multinational Battle Group West of KFOR (Kosovo Force) today made a donation of clothes, school kits and toys to the non-governmental association "Bethanys Christian Services" in the municipality of Giakova / Dakovica. The NGO, in addition to financially supporting the families belonging to the RAE ethnic minority (Rome, Ashkali, Egyptians), promotes the educational integration of children.

The material delivered by the military arrived directly from Italy thanks to the commitment of theNational Alpine Association - Section of Cordenons (PN), which promoted and curated a charity collection for Kosovo. The material will allow students to better face the current school year.

In addition to the CIMIC (civil-military cooperation) component of the national contingent, a JRD-S team (Joint Regional Detachment - South), the KFOR “pawn” with the task of maintaining a continuous monitoring of the territory, participated in the donation. and the necessary connection with local institutions and international organizations.

Today's activity is part of a wider program of projects that the Italian-led multinational unit is carrying out in Kosovo, and represents a further testimony of the commitment to the local population of each ethnic group, in full impartiality and in most profound respect for cultures and religious beliefs.