Kosovo: KFOR RC West authorities meet representatives of religious denominations

(To Greater Defense)

Yesterday, at Camp Villaggio Italia, the western regional command of NATO KFOR hosted an important meeting between representatives of all the religious confessions present in the western sector of Kosovo, to discuss in an open and constructive manner the issue relating to the future of the young generations, in order to establish common points of reflection and find proposals aimed at improving their integration process into society.

"I greatly appreciate the contribution made by all of you to support a peaceful environment. In fact, I really think that you are an impeccable role model for the Kosovar people, who firmly trust in your words. Young people in particular have a heavy responsibility to shoulder of a future that promises to be complicated and you are one of their main points of reference, because the youth community listens to you carefully."
"The purpose of this meeting is to demonstrate, once again, that many goals can be achieved through dialogue and through the willingness to accept and consider each other's differences while finding, together, our common path." Thus began Colonel Gabriele Vacca, commander of RC-W, during the introduction of the meeting.

All the religious authorities present welcomed the initiative, expressing in unison their esteem and gratitude towards the soldiers of the Italian RC-W contingent, currently based on the 11th Bersaglieri Regiment, then agreeing on the common commitment to represent a guide for young believers and spread a common message of peace, tolerance and integration among all communities in Kosovo.