Kosovo: the Italian contingent donates a playground

(To Greater Defense)

A playground to give moments of light-heartedness and entertainment to the little ones. It is the gesture of solidarity, which is part of a Civil and Military Cooperation (CIMIC) project, promoted by the Italian military of Regional Command West (RC-W), based on the 11th Bersaglieri Regiment, in favor of the children of the municipality of Junik.

Civil and military authorities were present at the delivery ceremony, including the commander of the western regional command, Colonel Gabriele Vacca, the councilor for public services and the mayor of the municipality.

The project, born from the collaboration between the CIMIC cell of RC-W and the councilor for public services of Junik, aims to implement leisure and entertainment opportunities for the little ones, equipping public spaces with suitable equipment and responsive to the needs of the many families who live in the municipality.

The donation falls within the scope of the activities to support the development of local institutions that the Italian contingent conducts on a six-monthly basis.