General Hill, commander of the USCE Corps of Engineer, visits the Mosul Dam

(To Greater Defense)

Coordination work between the Task Force continues Praesidium and the Iraqi Security Forces to implement the integrated cooperation system put in place to ensure the safety of the Mosul Dam and staff. Activities that in recent days led the USCE (US Army Corps of Engineers) and CJFLCC (Combined Joint Force Land Component Command) leaders of the operation to the Dam Inherent Resolve. Five different security forces operating under the direct control of three different ministries of the Baghdad government and that the Praesidium has inserted into a system that allows a constant exchange of information through the standardization of procedures and the development of joint activities. During both visits the strategic importance of the Diga was reiterated, representing a priority project for the development and stabilization of the area.

Appreciation for the work done by the 3 ° alpine regiment to implement the security of the infrastructure came from General David Hill, commander of the transatlantic division of USACE, the unit that has the task of coordinating and managing USACE projects in the Middle East, Asia and Egypt for over 8 billion dollars. During the visit, General Hill was escorted by the Praesidium with the help of the staff of the Counter-Terrorism Service. The security framework and the protection of USACE personnel operating at the Dam have been recognized as decisive actions for the full operation of the engineers who work alongside the Trevi company in the work to make the structure safer.

General Charles Costanza, deputy commander of CJFLCC and responsible for coordinating the operations of the Coalition in northern Iraq, has instead recognized the fundamental work carried out by the task force Italian to integrate the various components of the Iraqi Security Forces into a control system that allows a wider security framework, through the coordination of checkpoints managed by Counter-Terrorism Service, National Security Service, Iraqi Army, Federal Police and Energy Resources Ministry Police.

After an operational update provided by the Iraqi members of the working table carried out by the Praesidium, General Costanza was able to see the checks carried out by the Baghdad security forces at the various checkpoints along the roads leading to the Dam. In particular he witnessed the transit of a column of trucks escorted by the Iraqi Army and supported by the TF Praesidium guarantee the constant supply of materials for the works at the dam. On the occasion the gen. Costanza stressed the importance of the work done to build an integrated system that offers the entire area, extremely high safety standards for the protection of the Dam and of the thousands of people who work there, while maintaining a constructive relationship of collaboration both with the Iraqi unit that curves.