The Italian contingent supports schools in southern Lebanon

(To Greater Defense)

Within the activities of Civil-Military Cooperation of the Italian contingent of UNIFIL, the ITALBATT Task Force, currently based on the “Genova Cavalleria” (4º) regiment, has visited numerous villages in the area of ​​responsibility (Sector West) donating stationery and teaching aids to young Lebanese students.

In addition to the donations, some projects were carried out in the schools of Majdal Zoun and Dair Qanun: in the first case materials were provided for the construction of a garden dedicated to the recreational activities of the nursery, while in the second case, thanks to the contribution of 'Bearzi Institute of Udine, computers were donated for the benefit of secondary school students.

The "Genoa" Task Force in recent months has directed its work towards strengthening educational facilities and their educational skills for young students, thus supporting culture in the area south of the Litani River.

Assistance to the local population is one of the various activities that the Italian contingent in UNIFIL, commanded by General Salvatore Cuoci, carries out together with the monitoring of the cessation of hostilities and the support to the Lebanese armed forces, as foreseen by the United Nations 1701 Resolution.