The Italian contingent continues to support schools in southern Lebanon


The commitment of the Italian UNIFIL contingent on an alpine brigade continues Taurinense  in the schools of southern Lebanon, through the finalization of two new initiatives in the upper and intermediate schools of the municipality of Al Qulaylah.

La Italbatt Task Force, currently based on the “Nizza Cavalleria” regiment (1st), led the first lesson of the Italian language course, an initiative included in the school year 2015/16 program of the village high school in coordination with the director Mr. Mohamed Abu Khalil.

Subsequently, at some classes of the intermediate school, Italbatt's health staff held a lesson in dental hygiene on the proposal of the director of the school mr Abdel Karim Hassan (dental awarness) to the students.

In this context, each child of the school is given a dental kit (toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss) donated by theNational Association of Dentists of the Varese section.

Support for the local population is one of the various activities that the Italian UNIFIL contingent carries out, together with monitoring the cessation of hostilities and support for the Lebanese armed forces, as required by United Nations Resolution 1701.