Sector West peacekeepers of the UNIFIL mission engaged in demining activities

(To Greater Defense)

It took place in recent days, along the Blue Line, an important minefield clearing activity.

The activity, regulated by Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by the Lebanese Government and the United Nations on 30 January 2020, was conducted in collaboration with engineering assets composed of Chinese Cambodian personnel (the so-called Multi-Role Engineer Units).

The operational reclamation activities on the demarcation line between the border of Israel and Lebanon, according to the policy adopted by UNIFIL​, has the purpose of mitigating as much as possible the threat deriving from unexploded ordnance and war remnants present in the area, both for preserve the troops operating along the blue line and the civilian population.

The commander of Sector West, Brigadier General Giovanni Brafa Musicoro visited the affected area, where MMCT (Mechanical Mine Clearance Team) and manual MCT (Manual Clearance Team) reclamation systems were engaged, while the area's Force Protection of demining was guaranteed by structures employed by the Italian sector.

General Brafa, at the end of the operations, congratulated the Blue Helmets, underlining the importance of the delicate and particular demining activities, contributing to the peace and security process of the entire southern Lebanon area.