Italian Expeditionary Advisory Package (EAP) at Qual-eye-naw

(To Greater Defense)

The first external activity of Train Advise and Assist (TAA), conducted by Italian advisors at around 150 Km north of Herat in favor of the 3, brigade of the 207 army corps of the Afghan Army, located in Qual- eye-naw.

The Italian staff of the Train, Advise and Assist Command West (TAAC-W) carried out a “fly to advise” activity reaching Qual-Eye-Naw, in the province of Baghdis, with the aim of providing assistance and consultancy in the expedition planning of 3's brigade of 207˚, committed to maintaining security in a province constantly threatened by terrorist attacks by groups hostile to the government and the Afghan population.

During the activity, which involved numerous Army Aviation helicopters - both NH 90 for transporting the teams, and A129 “Mangusta” for flight safety - the Alpine troops of the 2 brigade regiment Taurinense, supported by the infantry soldiers of the "Trieste" 66 aircraft infantry regiment, allowed General Massimo Biagini, commander of the TAAC W, to discuss in the field with the commander of the 3a brigade discussing the operational lines of the next operations that the local security forces will lead in the second phase of the summer campaign.

The second phase will then see the Italian advisors assist the staff of those commands of the Afghan forces (ANDSF) who will have to control and coordinate the local units engaged in maintaining security both in the area north of Herat and in the southern provinces, in order to limit and cancel the threat of terrorist formations.

During the 'fly to advise' held at Qual-eye-naw, the TAAC-W commander also met with the governor of the province of Baghdis and representatives of the local police, receiving from them important updates useful for implementing the knowledge of an area impervious, often the scene of anti-government actions.

The work of Italian advisors - characterized by fundamental activities for training such as lectures, seminars and conferences to improve the level of preparation of Afghan colleagues, as well as the creation of specialized courses in radio communications, information technology, identification and deactivation of improvised explosive devices ( IED) and many others - in recent months has allowed the raising of the operating standards of the units of the 207 army corps of the Afghan National Army (ANA) and today it can also assist the brigade commands located in other provinces during the operations of the west region through the "fly to advise".