Change of the commander of Operation Safe Sea

(To Marina Militare)

Tuesday 27 December, at 15: 00, on the flight deck of the frigate Virginio Fasan, moored at the NATO wharf in Augusta (SR), in the presence of the commander-in-chief of the naval squad, team admiral Donato Marzano, there was a ceremony to change the command of the operation Safe Sea between Rear Admiral Enrico Pacioni (transferor) and Rear Admiral Alberto Maffeis (successor). The moment has also sanctioned the change of the flag unit of the operation: Ship Virginio Fasan it was replaced by Nave Francesco Mimbelli, under the command of vessel captain Lorenzano Di Renzo.

Admiral Pacioni leaves the post after about two months of activity at sea, during which 10 different naval units alternated, for a total of about 3000 hours of motion.

The operation Safe Sea, launched by the government following the worsening of the Libyan crisis, from the 12 March 2015, in an area of ​​approximately 80.000 km2 of the central Mediterranean, an air-naval device with the task of strengthening what is already in place by the Navy ships who operate in the area to ensure maritime safety, to ensure the protection of national interests, the protection of communication lines and commercial ships, the Italian fishing fleet and strategic energy sources of national interest, as well as to carry out surveillance and enforcement activities illegal activities of criminal and transnational terrorist organizations. These activities are of fundamental importance in a context like the Italian one, highly dependent on maritime traffic and sea safety.

The device Safe Seait also provides the necessary security framework for vehicles engaged in search and rescue operations and, if necessary or requested by the coordination center of the General Command of the Harbor Office - Coast Guard (IMRCC), can intervene to carry out rescue activities at sea.