Last November 22nd, at the naval base of La Spezia, the changeover ceremony of the tactical command of the operation took place Safe Mediterranean, between the commander of the Mine Countermeasures Forces (MARICODRAG), rear admiral Gianguido Manganaro, and the incoming commander of the first naval division, rear admiral Stefano Frumento, attended by the commander in chief of the naval team, team admiral Aurelio De Carolis.
The ninth rotation of the operation began last October 7 with boarding on the ship St. George and continued on board the ship Libeccio, flagship Of the device.
The device includes naval units, fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft, as well as specialist teams embarked on board the various naval units, including the marine brigade teams Saint Mark and raiders operating group.
In this period, countless and diversified activities were carried out in the Central Mediterranean, starting with maritime surveillance (Vi.MA) and fishing (Vi.PE), the control of the seabed (Operation Fondali Sicuri), inter-ministerial competitions and collaboration broad spectrum with allied and partner navies.
Admiral De Carolis, greeting the crew of Nave Libeccio and the staff involved, addressed a “I am thinking of our family members and our loved ones, in particular those of the personnel on board our units engaged in Italy and abroad. It is a moment of growing commitment for the national Armed Forces in which the fleet is doing its job with honor and the highest spirit of service, aware that our sacrifices are nothing compared to those we ask of our relatives and the people dear to us ".
At the end of the ceremony and following the logistical adjustments, the ship set sail again to guarantee continuous and punctual presence and surveillance action.