Afghanistan: Italian advisors assist Afghan forces in remediation activities

(To Italian contingent)

A support and training activity in favor of the Afghan National Army (ANA) conducted by the Military Advisor Team (MAT), an Italian-led unit of the Train Advise and Assist Command West (TAAC-W) was concluded in recent days. 

The operation took place at the local military range of "New Dune", and allowed to set off 400 tons of explosives and over 20 electric detonators, material left over from the construction works of the Salma Dam. solve the numerous logistical and safety problems connected with the storage of such a large quantity of explosive material.

The commitment of the MAT, supported on the occasion also by an American team, lasted 18 days, during which the Afghan teams specialized in the clearance of regulatory explosive devices (Explosive Ordinance Disposal), have been able to refine, under the guidance of Italian and American colleagues, the correct procedures for destroying large quantities of explosives in complete safety.

Great satisfaction was expressed by the Afghan military who, under the control and coordination of the Italian and US military, successfully completed the operations, gaining significant experience.