Afghanistan: commemorating the 180 anniversary of the Bersaglieri Corps

(To Greater Defense)

The 18 June at Camp Arena, home of the Train Advise Assist Command West (TAAC W), the 180 anniversary of the establishment of the Ccorpo dei bersaglieri was commemorated.

Despite the many operational commitments, the soldiers of the TAAC W and their commander, general Gianpaolo Mirra, have retraced the historical events that marked the Corps. General Mirra in particular, in his greeting greetings to the sharpshooters present in Herat, underlined the link that still remains with the innovative idea of ​​the gen. La Marmora, when he founded the Bersaglieri in the 1836.

Currently in Afghanistan, the bersaglieri of the 7 regiment constitute the Task Force "Arena", whose main tasks are to guarantee the security of the Italian base and to compete, with numerous patrols along the roads of Herat, to the security of the city and of the civilians along with Afghan security forces who are responsible for the general security of the city and the local population.