20th bilateral Italy – Egypt meeting

(To Greater Defense)

​In Cairo, the 20th Italy-Egypt bilateral meeting, chaired on the Italian side by Brigadier General Alessandro Grassano (deputy head of department, International Cooperation Area - UCVAC, of ​​the III Department of the Defense General Staff) and on the Egyptian side by Brigadier General Mohamed Tawfik, deputy director, CIMIC department at the armed forces operations authority.

For the Italian delegation, in addition to the SMD delegation, a representative of the SME and the Italian deputy attaché in Cairo also participated. As part of the meeting, new strategies were examined to increase and optimize bilateral cooperation activities and issues of common security interest in the area of ​​the so-called "enlarged Mediterranean" were discussed.

During the meeting it was also possible to take stock of the activities of the Cooperation Plan 2023, at the same time signing the one for 2024, including numerous activities both in Italy and Egypt.

The meeting, which took place in an atmosphere of open collaboration and fruitful discussion, allowed us to once again highlight the excellent level of partnership achieved between the two defences.

Bilateral cooperation constitutes, together with the operations and missions in which our personnel outside the area are protagonists on a daily basis, an essential element of defense for the development of international peace and security.