The 30 ° Naval Group in Congo in favor of reception centers


On the outskirts of Pointe Noire (Congo), in the Don Bosco and Mother Morano reception centers, the sailors of the 30 Naval Group of the Navy, in collaboration with the volunteer nurses of the Italian Red Cross, gave their contribution by working on maintenance of the structures that host and take care of the children abandoned by their families.

To tell us the stories of the little guests is the same responsible for the Don Bosco house: "They are turned away from families because they are difficult and unmanageable children".

Unfortunately in Congo there is a widespread belief that children who during the first years of life have witnessed tragic events or disasters, are bearers of misfortunes and are marginalized. And it is here that the two shelters intervene with their invaluable help in supporting these children in their growth.

"The drops dig the rocks and the oceans are made of drops; everyone has the ethical and moral duty to contribute, with their own drop, to form an ocean of solidarity ", these are the words of the commander of the 30 ° Naval Group Admiral of division Paolo Treu, who expressed his appreciation for the commitment that the crews are demonstrating in this campaign "The moving Country System".

Source: Military Navy