Syria, sighted the "Buratino": one of the most devastating weapons ever invented by man

(To Denise Serangelo)

We insist on not calling it "second cold war" but reality is clear. The Russian and the American front are again on the two opposite banks of the river, they do not communicate, they do not understand each other but they fight. If America at this juncture decided to kill the cannons, the Russians instead want to make the roars feel far away. From the attic of the little-known but damned lethal weapons the Kremlin revives the TOS-1 Buratino. The name does not bother you but just to dwell on the name, it would be our biggest mistake.

The Buratino was a project almost unknown until relatively recently and is considered by the estimators of unusual weapons a real treat in the hands of the Russians. The technical name of the Buratino it is TOS-1 and is classified as a heavy thermo-firearm weapon intended for the systematic annihilation of any obstacle before it. It is designed to engage apprehended forces, fortifications and light armored vehicles. The system is comparable to MLRS systems (Multiple Launch Rocket System), but this shoots different types of missiles and has a smaller range (6 km). The TOS-1 was developed in the early 1980 years and was successfully used by the Soviet army in Afghanistan and later by the Russian forces in Chechnya. Today it seems to have also landed in Syria.

Il Buratino uses rockets from 220 mm and is in effect considered heavy artillery given its caliber. Two different types of heads can be used on this type of support: the first type of explosive incendiary and the second to fuel-air. The latter are also called warheads thermobaric. This type of ammo releases a large flammable gas cloud and causes huge explosions, precisely because of its disruptive force this technology is used to literally "bust" forged and bunker bunkers.

The fire control system is considered state of the art, all the orientation and target capture procedures are carried out inside the unmanned vehicle exposed to fire. The TOS has an optical viewfinder, a ballistic computer and a laser rangefinder with which it measures the distance of the target with a maximum error of 10 m. The acquired data is automatically entered into the ballistic computer that calculates the elevation and rotation required. The crew consists of three elements: commander, gunner and pilot.

The Russian nightmare of the strange codename is considered by many to be an atomic bomb. The explosion provoked creates a sphere of incandescent gas at a very high temperature, accompanied by a devastating overpressure. To achieve this effect the bomb combines a special explosive, in the form of gel or powder and with metal additives, to atmospheric oxygen, which acts as an oxidizer. After which the mixture is deflagrated by a special primer. The Russians were the forerunners in the development and widespread use of weapons based on these principles but also the Americans have made their contribution especially in Vietnam with the Daisy cutter, «Tagliamargherite», to quickly create landing pads for helicopters.

In Syria, these destructive weapons may already be in action to eradicate rebel-built barricades or bunkers in which followers of the Islamic State hide. Whatever Putin's real goal is, there is no doubt that the Buratino has a strong strategic and psychological impact. Those who are very close to the deflagration are annihilated. In the same way, those who are in his neighborhood suffer various internal injuries, therefore invisible, including the breaking of the eardrums and auditory organs, various concussions, the breaking of the lungs and internal organs, and blindness caused by the powerful shock wave. Any type of fabric that interacts with the shockwave is compressed, crushed, sliced ​​or disintegrated by excessive weight based on the properties of the metallic material used to increase the explosive power. The internal organs that contain air (ears, lungs and intestines) are particularly vulnerable to exploding because the microframs of metallic material creep into the organs where there is oxygen and it burns.

TOS-1 was not designed to stem the enemy advance, but to destroy armies even before they go into battle. Undermining the emotional stability of the enemy is a very valid technique even in a context such as the current asymmetrical one.

If the deterrent effect does not work, would Putin and the Kremlin be willing to deal with the implications of the use of this weapon?

(photo: Sputnik)