The German Bundeswehr has commissioned Rheinmetall to supply the 'Schwerer Waffenträger Infanterie' (Heavy Weapons Carrier for Infantry). Following the approval of the proposal by the Budget Committee of the German Bundestag on 20 March 2024, the contract was signed yesterday, 21 March 2023.
The German Bundeswehr will acquire up to 123 'Schwerer Waffenträger Infanterie' vehicles. The contract has a value of approximately 2,7 billion euros, which also includes service and maintenance. Deliveries are expected to begin in 2025.
Il Carries Heavy Weapons for Infantry serves as a replacement for the tracked vehicle Wiesel ('weasel' - bottom image) for direct tactical fire support of infantry units. It is also a key element of the German Army's new force category, the 'medium forces', capable of rapidly deploying over long distances and thus contributing to credible national and Alliance defence.
Lo Schwerer Waffenträger Infanterie is based on the Reconnaissance and Combat Vehicle Boxer (CRV - Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle), the Australian Defense Force's wheeled reconnaissance vehicle, also supplied by Rheinmetall. This is the proven 8x8 combat vehicle with an armored reconnaissance mission module including turret Throw for two people. The main weapon is the Rheinmetall MK30-2 ABM automatic cannon, which is also installed in the German infantry fighting vehicle Puma. Furthermore, the multi-role guided missile system ('mehrrollenfähiges leichtes Lenkflugkörpersystem' or MELLS) is also mounted, which allows the vehicle to defend itself against tanks.
Photo: Rheinmetall / US Marine Corps