Ninth Col Moschin: the impetus of Folgore

(To Tiziano Ciocchetti)

The 9th Col Moschin Assault Regiment, a direct descendant of the Arditi of the Great War and of the XNUMXth Arditi Regiment of the Second World War, has been articulating for three years on three battalions:

The 1st Incursor Battalion;

The student battalion (RAFOS);

The command and logistics battalion.

The latter pawn allows to lift the operational component from those aspects which, while remaining essential for the successful outcome of an operation, do not require the same operational capabilities. In addition, the logistic battalion constitutes the natural assignment of those raiders who, due to age limits or decayed physical abilities, were no longer suitable to be part of the operational detachments, in this way their experience would not be lost.

The problem remains of the logistical accommodation of the Ninth, as the Vannucci barracks in Livorno does not have enough space. A possible solution, which has been talked about for years, could be the transfer to Camp Darby, always in Tuscany. However, the Americans would seem unwilling to leave the base, as it is considered strategic for their operations in the Middle East.

A compromise solution could be found by obtaining a special space for the raiders and their vehicles inside the base, especially since Camp Darby practically borders the Pisa airport, another element that would increase the operational readiness of the department.

As for the means, in addition to the entry into service of the FLYER (v.articolo), the Ninth recently acquired the new RHIB (rigid keelboat) Zodiac Hurricane II, with diesel engine.

We remind readers that the 9th Col Moschin regiment participated in all missions abroad of the Italian Armed Forces. Until the professionals got into full operation in the operational departments, the raiders were often used as force multipliers, rather than in the roles most congenial to them. While in recent years they have carried out numerous special operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and other operating theaters.

Photo: Army General Staff