A few days ago the news appeared in various international online journals that scientists from the Chinese "National University of Defense Technology" tested a technology based on the use of 6G capable of identifying the presence of submarines.
According to what was stated in the various articles available, the research (which I could not find) was published in the scientific journal "Journal of Radars". It talks about the use of 6G (terahertz technology) to detect the presence of submarines and for communication between them and surface vessels or aircraft.
The tested device appears to be able to detect ripples on the sea surface caused by the movement of submarines.
This new technology, which can be used for example on board drones, can complement those already used in the field of submarine detection.
According to the journal that first reported the study, operational tests were carried out in the Yellow Sea, using an artificial sound source to simulate the noise of a submarine and an instrument capable of identifying the ripples on the surface due to the sound, ripples with a size between 10 and 100 nanometers (one nanometer corresponds to one billionth of a metre) depending on sea conditions. Until now, being able to separate this signal from the background was considered impossible.
If confirmed, these results could also be applied to create new methods and tools to facilitate communications between submarines and ships or other surface devices.
However, let us remember that information warfare is always active and not everything you read is necessarily real.
To learn more:
- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3232682/chinese-scientis...
- https://interestingengineering.com/military/china-next-gen-submarine-det...
- https://www.eurasiantimes.com/edited-nc-checked-chinese-scientists-devel...
- https://pdf.defence.pk/threads/chinese-scientists-look-to-6g-to-hunt-sub...
- https://ts2.shop/cs/pswp-main-item?post_name=chinese-scientists-look-to-...
- https://medium.com/the-dock-on-the-bay/nuclear-submarine-detection-using...
Photo: US Navy (crop)