ISIS, Pentagon short of missiles: "we drop more bombs than we can produce"

(To Franco Iacch)

The Air Force has poured twenty thousand weapon systems on the Islamic State, including missiles and bombs. Translated means that the United States has launched more bombs than they could produce in times of peace.

Engaged since August of 2014 in Iraq and then in Syria, the Pentagon has run out of stocks of weapons in stock. Considering the diversification of the weapon systems used and related platforms, the US cannot make up for this operating pace. In October, 60 percent of US airplanes deployed in the Region attacked enemy targets. Percentage of aircraft that reached 65 per cent in November.

The demand for ammunition is so high that the Pentagon has "drained" the reserves of the bases located in Europe. The new procurement comes from national depots with emergency supplies "bestowed" also by the other branches of the US Armed Forces. Suffice it to say that for the fiscal year 2015, Congress approved an additional expenditure of 400 million dollars for 4.000 new Hellfire missiles.

The problem is that the supply for the new weapon systems is taken up only by the 2012. That "relative" period of earlier peace has created a gap that can hardly be filled in an "peace" economy.

To date, the US "launch" more bombs than they can produce.

(photo: USAF)