First positive test for the new Sea Venom / ANL anti-missile missile

(To Staff)

The anti-ship missile Sea Venom / ANL MBDA has successfully completed its first test at the Île du Levant range in France.

Conducted in June, this first test - according to the company - represents a milestone in the development of the Anglo-French missile intended to provide advanced performance and replace existing systems: the Sea Skua British and the French AS15TT.

The launch of the missile belonging to the 100 kg class was performed by a helicopter Dolphin owned by the DGA (Direction Générale de l'Armement).

Jointly ordered in the 2014, the project Sea Venom / ANL it was developed on a par by the UK and France.

In the UK the missile is designed to be used by the AW159 helicopter Wildcat, while France will use it on the new one Hélicoptère Interarmées Léger (HIL). The missile is however designed for use on a wide range of platforms.

(photo: MBDA)