Nathalie Tocci (IAI) guest of Avio Aero Talk in a debate on "The Risk of Coronavirus"

(To Avio Aero)

Nathalie Tocci, Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) and member of the Board of Directors of ENI, was the third guest of the Avio Aero Talk, an innovative format of virtual appointments organized by the company for its employees in which external guests bring their contribution on current issues and of particular interest to the corporate population.

Politologist and Special Advisor to the High Representative of the EU, prof. Tocci provided an initial assessment of the impact produced by the COVID-19 pandemic on global strategic and geoeconomic balances, on the new trends generated by this emergency and on the pre-existing dynamics that this global event can accelerate or slow down depending on the case. Starting with China and the tightening of the relationship with the United States to delineating the borders of a new Cold War, the debate continued with the role that Russia, Trump's foreign policy and the upcoming American elections are playing, to - finally - a structured reflection on the strategic autonomy of Europe.

"The pandemic has done Europe good for two of the three cornerstones of the new European Commission: green and digital. The appeal lacks the contribution to the geopolitical question, to the idea of ​​Europe as a solid entity in comparison with the other great world powers - says Tocci. In fact, only 13 billion of the 30 billion foreseen for the common security and defense funds were allocated following the pandemic. I am convinced that it is essential to substantiate this third fundamental pillar to define a truly current European project in the twenty-first century. "

There was no lack of references to the always hot climate in the Middle East, with particular attention to the complex situation in Turkey.

The appointment with the Avio Aero Talks will continue in the coming weeks with other important guests.