The bilateral committee between Italy and Serbia has just concluded in Palazzo Guidoni, headquarters of Segredifesa. The national delegations were chaired by general of the army corps Luciano Portolano, general secretary of defense and national director of armaments, and by his Serbian counterpart Nenad Miloradovic.
The bilateral, the first between the two nations after almost 10 years, was also an opportunity to sign a Technical Arrangement concerning cooperation in the field of armaments and the defense industry, which is part of the agreement signed in Belgrade on 16 December 2013 between the respective governments.
General Portolano, after having extended greetings from defense minister Guido Crosetto, expressed the hope that the relations of collaboration between Italy and Serbia could be strengthened also in the light of the current international scenario. The general secretary thus tended to emphasize how relations with the Balkan country in the sector of procurement of defence, and beyond, represent one of the priorities for the Italian defence.
For his part, Mr. Miloradovic stated that Serbia is determined to resume and deepen collaboration relations with Italy, seeking discussions on possible programs of common interest. The international activity carried out by Segredifesa has also made it possible to update the Serbian counterpart on the potential of the aerospace, defense and national security industry, exploring possible future developments and collaborations also through the tool of the Government-to-Government (G2G).
During the meeting, some of the programs of excellence of the defense industry with very high technological content were presented. The meeting, characterized by an active discussion on cooperation in the defense sector, highlighted the centrality of the Balkan quadrant and the need to encourage a relaunch of national action within the framework of the stability of the areas of direct proximity to the country.