Avio Aero in Farnborough: "brain and competence, but also heart and passion"

(To Andrea Cucco)

"From 2015 to today, it has been an incredible journey, in which many of you have played a key role and which should make us all very proud: we started with a blank sheet 7 years ago and last September we celebrated our first flight in Berlin. of this newly developed aircraft.

Airbus' announcement of the selection of the Catalyst to power Europe's first remotely piloted aircraft made this project even more exciting. The selection for the Eurodrone program, in fact, has a high strategic importance for the positioning of the Italian propulsion sector in the European defense market, because it unequivocally recognizes the achievement of our systems capacity and technological excellence.

We can play a leading role in this market, contributing to the strategic autonomy of Europe and generating important repercussions in our country, not only economic and employment but also technological and industrial ".

With these words Riccardo Procacci, CEO of Avio Aero, yesterday underlined the latest successes of the Rivalta di Torino company.

The selection of the Italian engine for Eurodrone (European drone program in cooperation between Germany, France, Italy and Spain) should bring industrial, technological and work returns in the three regions where the company's plants are present: Piedmont, Campania and Puglia.

The program, we recall, adds to what saw the choice of the CT7-8E6 engine to power the next AW-249 Army combat helicopter.

"As you will have understood, in this challenge there is certainly our brain and our competence, but within this engine there is also our heart and our passion" - Procacci concluded.