Tonight at 21.00 "Money laundering: the dimension, the consequences..."


The phenomenon of money laundering, internationally known as "Money laundering", (dirty) money laundering consists of a set of operations aimed at transferring or converting money (or other goods) deriving from illicit activities in order to use them in legitimate economic circuits, concealing or concealing the criminal origin of the themselves.

This phenomenon represents a bridge between organized crime and civil society with relevant economic and financial repercussions, such as to give rise to serious distorting effects in the legal economy.

What is the real size of this business?

What are (or "by now" were...) the consequences?

Is the fight still possible?

We'll talk about it tonight to 21.00 con l 'adv. Antonio La Scala, criminal lawyer of the Bar of Bari, advocate in the Higher Jurisdictions, specialized in Criminal Law of the Public Administration and Corporate Criminal Law, as well as professor of Commercial Criminal Law at the LUM "Jean Monnet" University of Casamassima (Bari).

See you there!

Photo: US DoD