Wednesday 7 December at 21.00: "Impacts of Emerging Technologies (EDT) on helicopters. When the state of the art is not enough..."


The capillary diffusion of MANPAD, AAA and SA (Situational Awareness) in real time affect the intrinsic survival of helicopters if based only on traditional native self-protection systems, making necessary a new interpretation, integration and use of new capabilities such as Don't be there: MUM-T (Manned Unmanned Teaming); Don't be seen: ALE (Air Launched Effectors, Decoy/Disrupt/Lethal); Don't be engaged: DBMS (Distributed Battlefield Management System); Don't be hit: SLMS (Smart Loitering Munition System).

By integrating EDT (Emerging Disruptive Technologies) capabilities such as Autonomy & Automation, AI and Big Data to ensure FWS (Fight-Win-Survive) capabilities in these ever-changing scenarios, new horizons are opening up in theaters of war.

In the Ukrainian conflict, the Russian Federation has deployed - and lost - helicopters considered among the most advanced in the world.

What were the measures and countermoves?

What should we do to upgrade and safeguard current and future rotorcraft assets?

We will deepen the theme, thanks to the Army Study Center, Wednesday 7 December at 21.00 pm in a new episode of Difesa ON AIR with the participation of:

  • ing Marco Gazzaniga
  • dr. Massimo Bonesi
  • General Enzo Stefanini
  • general Salvatore Farina

We are waiting for you!

Photo: Russian Federation MoD