16 occurred February 1893: Lombardy enters service
The good evidence provided by the protected cruisers of the "Armstrong" type (Dogali and Bausan) advised Minister Brin to entrust the then 1st class chief engineer of the Engineers ...
The 15 February 1909 happened: The submarine Foca was delivered
The most marked feature of this unit was that it was equipped with three axis lines (the only Italian submarine) driven by three petrol engines for a total power of ...
14 occurred February 1912: 200 shots fired by the Grenadier in the Italo-Turkish war
200 shots are fired over. The day before, in front of Moka (strait of Bab el Mandeb), while the lance on board is about to reach an elder stopped for the visit, from the ground ...
13 February 1906 happened: Operational and regulated the "pincer" torpedo torch
Designed for fast units, it will have no practical use aboard the torpedo boats because the launch binds the unit to the route of attack making it longer exposure to ...
8 occurred February 1889: The Dogali on a mission to the sultanate of Obbia
After long and laborious negotiations in which the vessel lieutenant Edoardo Ferrara participates actively, an agreement will be concluded under which all the territories ...
06 occurred February 1915: Europe arrives in La Spezia
The interventions carried out in the Arsenale of La Spezia which lasted until June concentrated on the bow and stern areas and consisted essentially of the ...
06 occurred February 1881: N.1 and N.2 torpedo boats enter service
The two units are provisionally armed by a crew of 13 people: a commanding vessel lieutenant, three sailors, three torpedo boats, an 1a director-class engineer ...
05 occurred February 1913: The Atropo submarine enters service
The construction at a German shipyard responded to the intention of experimenting with a type of submarine that had already given excellent proof. The main feature was ...

31 January 1896 happened: Italian ships in rescue of Christians in the clay crisis
To the Etna landing company will be added in the first days of February the battleship King Umberto (...
30 January 1910 happened: First officers to conduct the "lighter than air" vehicle
They will be the first Navy officers destined to drive and conduct the "lighter than air" vehicle that already ...
24 January 1886 happened: The Permanent Team in Suda
The 31 will arrive to take part in the international naval demonstration following the disturbances on the island ...
20 January 1877 happened: The first ship with electric projector
The unit has supplied, the first Italian ship, the Siemens lighting dynamometer to illuminate points ...
15 happened January 1913: Dante Alighieri enters service
Elaboration of an initial project of the armored monocaliber of Bettòlo and Cuniberti (later taken up by the Royal ...
15 January 1925 happened: Nave Eridano to the children of Bari
As for other asylum ships operating in Italian ports, the Navy, despite the difficulties of the moment, continues its ...
The 14 January 1912 Happened: Last Mission to the Governor
It will remain in the Red Sea until 26 October and then return home. It will be the last mission of the Governolo destined for ...
07 January 1912 Happened: Attach Italian Units to Cunfida
The three Italian ships in the ensuing combat destroy seven of the eight gunboats (Ajutab, Ordon, Costamuni, ...
07 January 1914 Happened: The Aeronautical Department was established in the Major State
The tasks of the new department are expanded to include study, choice, use of various types of airships and ...
The 06 January 1880 Happened: Serving the Duilio Battalion
Built on the design of the then director of 1a class of the Naval Genius Benedetto Brin, it was made in the yard ...
