Visit to Italy of the Chief of Staff of the Self-Defense Forces of Japan


The Chief of Defense Staff, Admiral Luigi Binelli Mantelli, received General SA Shigeru Iwasaki, Chief of Staff of Japan's Self-Defense Forces yesterday morning.

To honor the high Japanese Officer, in the courtyard of honor of Palazzo Esercito, an inter-force company composed of: grenadiers of Sardinia, airmen, sailors and carabinieri, accompanied by the fanfare of the Carabinieri school of Rome.

During the talks, conducted in a climate of great cordiality, both chiefs of staff agreed on the sensitivity of the current international situation, reaffirming the need to intensify the opportunities for exchange and collaboration between the Armed Forces of the two countries.

Among the topics discussed was, in particular, dedicated attention to Cyber ​​Defense and Information Warfare.

The bilateral relations between Italy and Japan are sanctioned by a "Statement of Intent" signed in 2012 by the respective defense ministers. In fact, starting from that year, annual meetings are held between the two countries at the level of the Defense Staff which have highlighted synergies in three fields: the aeronautical one with the willingness to explore potential areas of cooperation at the training level of the personnel in the use of common platforms, the naval one with the interest in developing cooperation in the maritime situational awareness area and in the procurement sector with the willingness to verify the possibility of developing important collaborations that also include exchanges / transfers of technology.

Source / photo: SMD