The "Garibaldi" on the field against COVID-19

(To Army Majority State)

The "Garibaldi" logistic regiment of Persano (Sa), operational department in charge of the logistic support of the "Garibaldi" bersaglieri brigade, since the beginning of the pandemic caused by COVID 19, has worked in close collaboration with the Civil Protection department and local authorities in the transport and storage of technical material and personal protective equipment (PPE) destined for the health authorities of the Campania Region.

The men and women of the regiment provided for the collection and transport of medical material of all kinds which, arrived in Italy with international flights at the Rome collection center, and destined for the Covid Center in Naples, set up in an adjacent area at the car parks of the "Ospedale del Mare".

To date, transport activities have involved a quantity of materials for a volume equal to about 290 cubic meters: these are FFP2, FFP3 masks, test tubes, specific masks for healthcare personnel, swabs, reagents for swabs, visors and various other types of sanitary equipment.

The Italian Army, which has always been involved in relief operations for the population and assisted in crisis management in the area, also on this occasion works constantly to provide direct support to the community, confirming the synergy between the Armed Force and local authorities.

In this context, the regiment of the "Garibaldi", the undisputed engine of the logistic activities of the Bersaglieri Brigade, constantly ensures a prompt and active contribution to face this new challenge, to protect national collective interests.