The Army, which intervened since February 1, has deployed over 140 soldiers and 45 vehicles on the ground. Among these 4 BV206, special tracked vehicles, born to operate in extreme and snowy climates, with which isolated houses were reached, personnel recovered and supplies of comfort were distributed together with civil protection. The military also restored the road system by clearing the main rolling stock, the access roads to public buildings and the roofs from the abundant snow fallen in the previous days.
The soldiers, coming from the 7th Alpini regiment and the engineering regiments (2nd of Trento, 3rd of Udine and 8th of Legnago), worked in the municipalities of Cencenighe Agordino, Santo Stefano di Cadore, Pieve di Cadore, Falcade, Valle di Cadore, Arabba, Borca di Cadore, Rocca Pietore, Forno di Zoldo, San Pietro di Cadore, San Vito di Cadore, Sappada and Cortina d'Ampezzo, where the Army rock climbers have also provided for the safety of the roofs of the buildings burdened by over two meters of snow.
The commitment of the Army still continues in the municipality of Fiumicino, where, even after the end of the emergency, a team with two water scooters remained to continue the work of collecting water that still invade homes, cellars and garages. This morning, moreover, the Army intervened in the center of Pisa to reinforce the bulkheads on the Arno River with 115 paratroopers of the Parachute Training Center.
Source: General Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army - Public Information and Communication Office - Sz. PI