Commemoration of Major La Rosa fallen in Afghanistan


This morning, in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, in the province of Messina, a mass was celebrated in memory of Major Giuseppe La Rosa, who fell in Afghanistan, in Farah, the 8 June last year.

For the occasion, the commander of the Southern Military Region, general of Corrado Dalzini army corps, wanted to huddle close to his family, in memory of his late comrade.

The La Rosa family is an example of a sense of communion, belonging to the armed force and attachment to the value of the homeland.

Giuseppe, heroically immolating himself by shielding himself with his body to save his fellow soldiers during the 8 June 2013 attack in Farah, was decorated with a gold medal for Military Valor in memory. 

Giuseppe's two brothers wanted to follow his example and entered the ranks of the army, while his father wears the feathered cap and decorations of his fallen son in official events.

Source: South Military Command