Before her only the Austrian Carmen Thalmann while to close the podium the French Anne Sophie Barthet climbs on the lowest step. The race was also valid for the Alpine Troop Trophy which will be awarded tomorrow at the end of the special test. Pragelato the 24 platoons in the race for the conquest of the Buffa Trophy, which will be assigned on Friday at the end of three very hard days of practice. The partial classification at the end of the first day sees the 3 Alpini regiment of Pinerolo at the command followed by the 8 ° of Cividale del Friuli; the German team is among the foreign representatives (competing for the International Federation of Mountain Soldiers Trophy). The cross-country race (men's 15Km and women's 10Km) valid for the awarding of the Friendship Trophy and the one of the Interforces, which will be assigned on Friday to the best representative of those present.
Source: Command of Terrestrial Operations Forces