Change to the central logistic grouping

(To Army Majority State)

It took place at the "Castro Pretorio" barracks, in the presence of the commander of Military Command of the Capital, general of the army corps Rosario Castellano, and of the War Flag of the 11th "Flaminia" transport regiment the ceremony of rotation at the top of the central logistic group between the brigadier general Diego Filippo Fulco, transferor, and the parigrade Benito Anastasio , taking over.

General Fulco, in his speech, thanked all the employees and underlined the pride of having been in a delicate period, also due to the pandemic, at the helm of the unit used in many activities, such as the "Aquila" and “Aquila Omnia”. He finally concluded his speech by stating: "Officers, non-commissioned officers, graduates, troops and civilian personnel of the RALOCE, be aware that you are a fundamental instrument for the credibility of our Armed Force and this conviction must fill you with pride".

Below, General Anastasio, in addition to showing his pride in having been designated to hold the new post, expressed the awareness of finding a solid unit, made up of exceptional human capital and endowed with professionalism, such as to be able to achieve all objectives: "We will be a team ... because teamwork divides tasks and multiplies success!".

General Castellano, after a brief excursus on the activities carried out in the last 21 months, stressed that the objectives are reached when: “In charge there is a man who works hard and never fails to support his men. Through you I thank all the staff who worked in the difficult period linked to the health emergency in silence with a spirit of self-denial and without ever giving up ". He then extended a wish for good work to the incoming commander, General Anastasio.