159th anniversary of the establishment of the Army

(To Army Majority State)

The history of our Army, although having roots much further and deeper in time, began on May 4, 1861, the date on which a provision by the Minister of War Manfredo Fanti decreed the end of the Sardinian Army and the birth of the Italian Army. The contribution made by all Italians who have had the honor of serving their country with the uniform of the Army is immeasurable and continues even today in this delicate period, which sees the Armed Force deployed in the front line in order to contain the spread of Covid-19.

Not being able to honor this date with any ceremony, in compliance with the current provisions of the law, in a video message released on social channels, the Army Chief of Staff, Army Corps General Salvatore Farina addressing all Italians said : “We soldiers, men and women of the Army, are truly proud to serve our country; the Army is there today, it was there in the past, and it will always be there, for you and with you ".

During his speech General Farina wanted to underline how in all these years the values ​​of love of country, of responsibility, of altruism, of justice and of freedom transmitted by those who preceded us have remained intact over time and are also the patrimony of soldiers of today who perform their daily duty in Italy and abroad.

The Army today has about 2.750 military personnel deployed in important international missions in over 15 countries including Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Libya, Somalia, Niger, Mali and other international missions with tasks ranging from cooperation to development and process support. stabilization and reconstruction, up to the training of local security forces, that is the range of activities known as Security Force Assistance (SFA).

Increased to about 7.200 instead, the soldiers engaged in Italy as part of the "Safe Roads" operation, in competition with the police for the protection of the territory, which through suitable remodulations of the device, were also destined to guarantee respect of the rules put in place by government authorities to limit the spread of Covid 19.

A multifaceted commitment of the Army, which highlights an exceptional preparation and competence of all its men and women who, through training based on the spirit of sacrifice and dedication for their work, provide the Military Terrestrial Instrument, both advanced fighting skills on the ground, and extraordinary possibilities of intervention, at home or abroad, in emergency situations and in the public utility.

A reassuring presence, loudly requested by all citizens and local administrators, especially at this particular moment in which the Army is used on various fronts such as the sanitization and sanitation of public buildings, health care residences and the streets of various municipalities. Italy, a contribution that would not have been possible if there had not been constant preparation and training over time.

The multimodal transport plan carried out, in support of the National Civil Protection, also continues for the distribution, not only of sanitary material and personal protective equipment but also of foodstuffs in favor of the most needy citizens. A moment of difficulty that is highlighting the particular gifts of altruism and generosity of the soldiers of the Army who, with a marked initiative, mobilized for the collection of materials and foodstuffs, highlighting a very strong civic sense that distinguishes them.

A valuable contribution is made in this emergency, especially from around 200, with maximum employment peaks up to 260, among Army doctors and nurses, who constantly operate in various military and civil structures in Italy, to relieve the weight of the pandemic on local healthcare companies. To this end, an important Covid-Hospital structure has been recently inaugurated at the Celio military hospital in Rome, thanks to the valuable contribution of our soldiers of the Corps of Engineers.

The Army, which today recalls its 159 years of history in the service of Italy, is a pivotal institution of the country system, founded on a solid ethical-value base, close to the citizen and capable of renewing itself and adapting to the sudden changes of the reference scenarios, an Armed Force always ready, capable, efficient and cohesive, based on the human element and supported by modern systems and technologies. Never as at this moment our thanks to all the soldiers of the Italian Army!