Change at the top of the heliported Cacciatori di Sardegna squadron

(To Antonino Lombardi)

Today, Lieutenant Colonel Alfonso Musumeci leaves command of the helicopter squadron Sardinia hunters based in Abbasanta (OR) to his peer Giuseppe Castrucci from the company of Macomer (NU).

After six years, the ten.col. Musumeci, leaves the red Basques to assume the position of commander of the 9th Carabinieri Battalion "Sardegna" of the 1a mobile brigade.

In recent years, the officer was employed in the anti-crime unit of the provincial command of Nuoro and subsequently commanded, from 2011 to 2017, the company of Ghilarza (OR). Here he directed the investigations that led to the conviction of those responsible for the murders of Giovanni Cossu in Busachi and Giovanni Casula in Paulilatino, and the attempted murder of Giuseppe Enna in Bonarcado.

The lieutenant col. Giuseppe Castrucci, taking over, left Macomer's company after six years, where he had arrived at the provincial command of Nuoro and who, in turn, had taken office in the place of Captain Giuseppe Pischedda.

The squadron heliported Sardinia hunters was born in 1993 and being a unit of the Territorial Arma it reports directly to the deputy commander of the Carabinieri Legion "Sardinia". Entry into the department is subject to an access course in which various skills are acquired such as, in particular, the techniques of helicopter disembarkation via "fast rope". The main tasks of the squadron is the fight against organized crime, search for fugitives and support to the Territorial Army (SAT).