Yemen: Team Six failure


The group for the liberation of Luke Somers and Pierre Korkie was made up of about three dozen US Navy SEALs, mostly belonging to the legendary Team Six, and a medical team. They were infiltrated into the operations area by two Osprey aircraft, which landed them about 10 kilometers from the point of contact with the opposing forces.

The formation was identified at around 100 meters from the place where the hostages were held, thus losing the crucial element of surprise. The kidnappers opened fire on US commandos from locations that were not immediately identified by the raiders.

The battle was consummated over a period of five to ten minutes. It is possible to assume that the SEALs were discovered during the 30 minutes that elapsed from their landing until they approached the detention compound.

The medical team attempted to stabilize the hostages before embarking them on an aircraft bound for a surface unit waiting off the Yemen. One of them died before reaching the ship, the second died later.

From official information released by the Pentagon, there were no Yemeni forces in support of the SEALs.

The failure of the action did not detract from the notoriety of Team Six, as it was not possible to land them closer to the operations area, because the entire mission would have been at risk.

However, incorrect planning and poor surveillance remain, although drones and fighters were also patrolling the area.

Giovanni Caprara

(photo: US DoD archive)