Sukhoi-24M: data sheet of the Russian "Fencer"

(To David Bartoccini)

Sukhoi Su-24M, the NATO code name "Fencer", is a two-seater bomber front-line produced by the Russian Sukhoi Aviation Holding Company (JSC). Classified with the initials MK is the most recent update of the Su-24, and entered into service in the 1983.

Designed to penetrate hostile territory and destroy ground and surface targets in all weather conditions, it is a bombardier of day and night use and since its entry into service, in the 1974, different variants have been developed for reconnaissance and electronic warfare .

It is an aircraft with a conventional aerodynamic configuration with a variable geometry wing configuration. The fuselage has a rectangular section with a semi-monocoque design with a pressurized two-seater cabin for pilot and navigator / armor. The wing angle of the wing varies from 16 ° to 69 °, and includes four configurations: 16 °, 35 °, 45 ° and 69 °.

Monocoda, is equipped with 2 turbojet Ljul'ka AL-21F with post-burner with a thrust of 11,200kg each which allow it to reach the maximum speed of 1550 km / h.

It has a range of 3.000 km. The fuel is housed in tanks integrated in the fuselage with the possibility of attaching 3 additional tanks from 3000 and 2000 liters, in the wing section and under the fuselage. The maximum take-off weight is 43,755 kg, the weight in action of 38,040 kg.

It is armed with 3 cannonincini Gsh-6-23 from 23mm with 500 and an 9000 shooting rate strikes the minute and can carry on 8 missile pylons: air-to-surface Kh-25ML, Kh-25MR (Kh-23M) , Kh-29L, Kh-29T, Kh-58E, Kh-58E-01 (lit. A, A ', B, C), Kh-31P (lit. A, A', B, B ', C), Kh-31A, Kh-59, Kh-59ME, S-25LD; air-to-air missiles R-60MK (R-60), R-73E; KAB-500KR tele-guided bombs, and KAB-500L laser-guided bombs; AB-100 free-fall bombs, AB-250 (M54 and M62), AB-500M-54, ODAB-500PM and different types of incendiary bombs.

The integrated navigation and aiming system PNS-M is the evolution of the previous ones and compared to the previous it provides the laser / TV guide of the offensive armaments in charge, it has also been equipped with respect to the previous versions of SV-24 liquid-crystal computers and ILS displays -31.

From the 2010 the VVS (Voenno-vozdušnye sily Rossijskoj Federacii) is proceeding to the gradual replacement of this model of aircraft with the SU-35.

(photo: MoD Russian Federation)