Syria: ISIS orders women to blow themselves up to defend strongholds

(To Franco Iacch)

It went into action in the past few hours, after being "promoted" on the field. The brigade al Khansaa, formed exclusively by women, has been transformed by religious police into kamikaze training.

Formed in the 2014 to monitor and punish women who had violated religious rules, the brigade was ordered to protect the main strongholds of the Islamic State by means of suicide raids. Just in Raqqa, the terrorists would have created dozens of tunnels: in this way the kamikazes loaded with explosives would be able to reach the undisturbed enemy lines. By pretending to be defenseless civilians, the women of the brigade would then explode once in contact with loyalist troops.

Initially used as a female religious police (and used for propaganda in belligerent poses), the brigade al Khansaa played a crucial role in recruiting Western women. The new role of the battalion is no longer to make the observer observe Sharia or fight the enemy on the front line. ISIS despite some isolated cases and however relegated to the role of observers in the field, has never focused on women fighters. Now, however, he wants them in suicide operations.

The recipients of the new operations are the widows, the very young women who lost their husbands in battle. "Your husband is missing you, we are certain of it. Why not join him on a suicide mission that will bring luster to your entire family. Don't worry about them: we will give money and provide assistance ”.

The women who came to Syria believed in an ideal of freedom under Islam. That distorted view of Islamic law, on the other hand, requires them to wear the burqa, gloves and cover the face, with at least three dark veils. The crimes of the Khansaa Brigade are not second to those of the male counterpart. It is said that in Raqqa, the women of al Khansaa they offer two possibilities to the offenders: being bitten or whipped for minor crimes such as, for example, allowing the color of the eyes to be glimpsed through that macabre veil that surrounds them.

Women who are guilty of more serious crimes, such as going out alone from home, can also be buried alive.