Syria, Russians move heavy artillery and deploy assault helicopters in depth: offensive imminent

(To Franco Iacch)

Heavy artillery and assault helicopters in support of pro-government forces. The Russians, according to the latest satellite images, would have completed a massive deployment of heavy artillery to maximize the amount of fire supporting Assad's troops.

The Russians would deploy their artillery around Hamah and Homs, then deep into Syrian territory. A move that also exposes the Russian support contingent to enemy fire.

Among the identified artillery systems, 12 D-30 122 mm howitzers from the Humaymin airbase, in the province of Latakia. Even the entire heavy thermobaric component composed of the TOS-1A systems (photo) present in Syria, would have been deployed to support loyalist land units.  Spotted the 9 last October, the "Buratino" went into action for the first time on October 22.

All attack helicopters would be deployed in Hamah, Al-Shayrat, and Tiyas, while all 35 fixed-wing aircraft still appear in Humaymin's air base.

The move, therefore, could be the prelude to a new terrestrial offensive conducted by Assad's forces.

(photo: MoD Russian Federation)