Russia, the Su-33 ready for ISIS: the squadron embarked on the Kuznetsov will receive a new aiming system

(To Franco Iacch)

The Sukhoi Su-33 of the Russian Navy will receive the SVP-24 air-to-ground tracking system. This is what the Russian Ministry of Defense communicates.

The entire Su-33 squadron of the Admiral Kuznetsov, formed by 24 aircraft, will receive the upgrade that will test in battle against the Islamic State within the next month.

Within the next four weeks, the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov he will travel to reach the eastern Mediterranean and fight against the Islamic state.

The carrier will be operating with its battle group, not far from the Syrian coast, so as to allow the embarked air group to complete all the planned military activities. The flight group of the Russian aircraft carrier will coordinate with the air force stationed at the base of Hmeymim.

The Russian General Staff has already confirmed the number of aircraft loaded on the carrier: 15 flies between Su-33 and MiG-29K / KUB and ten Ka-52K, Ka-27 and Ka-31 helicopters.

The SVP-24 tracking system is produced by the Russian company Gefest and T: gives greater precision in the release phase of conventional weapons. The Su-33, designed for air superiority having been developed by Su-27, has limited air-to-ground capacity.

Company Gefest and T installed the new SVP-24 on three Su-33. The SVP-24 calculates the optimal point for the release of the conventional bomb based on the position of the aircraft, the destination, the speed, the wind direction and other variables.

The Ministry of Defense confirms that the pointing computer has increased the accuracy of the previous guidance systems installed on Su-24M three times (photo on the right). The SVP-24 tracking system currently equips the Su-24M, Su-25SM3 and the Tu-22M3.

The Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov will be in battle against the Islamic State for four months. Flight activities will continue until the month of January next year. After patrolling in the Mediterranean, the Kuznetsov will enter the construction site to rebuild the entire flight deck, replacing the lining and take-off and landing system. These interventions, set for the beginning of the 2017, will last three years.

(photo: MoD Fed in Russia)