Moscow confirms the death of one of the two pilots but the Su-24 would never have violated Turkish airspace: the video of the Russian Ministry of Defense

(To Franco Iacch)

According to a letter delivered by the Turkish ambassador to the UN Security Council, Ankara justified the killing of Russian fighters by claiming that the Su-24 would violate the country's airspace for 17 seconds. The flight data released by the Russian Ministry of Defense would show that the Su-24 never entered Turkey.

Meanwhile, the Russian General Staff has confirmed the death of one of the two pilots of the Fencer. The pilot was hit by the fire of light weapons of the enemy militias, during the landing phase with the parachute. Probably, the pilot touched the ground already corpse. The fate of the other driver is still uncertain. The worst is also feared for the latter. The second rescue mission is in progress.

(in the opening image detail of the radar track presented by Turkey / in the video the Russian data)